What is the Fitness Walk?
It is a power walk of 2 or 3 miles in distance and offers a great walking workout. For those that want, there are opportunities to do some work on moving a bit faster, but nothing that will leave you gasping! The aim of the Fitness walk is to provide a good cardio-vascular workout, it is not a leisurely stroll. Walk Leaders guide you round the route and may throw in some additional activities to keep you working hard and getting the most benefit you can from this fun walking workout. So, for example, you may find yourself being encouraged to walk as fast as you can for intervals maybe between trees or lampposts.
Trained Leaders facilitate the walks and utilise the unique Fitmums & Friends systems to ensure everyone is appropriately challenged and supported. We recognise everyone has a different walking pace and therefore the nature of the challenge will vary but we are equipped for all. Our Walk Leaders are inventive and enthusiastic and are passionate about supporting members to gain the maximum benefit from walking.
As well as the weekly “Fitness Walk” available at some sessions, walkers are also invited to attend any of the grass track or hill sessions at any of the Fitmums & Friends groups. These sessions are devised for both runners and walkers and our Coaches are happy to accommodate walkers in these sessions. Please check individual groups for details of these sessions.
If you are looking for a daytime walking session then please try our Buggy Sessions – these are designed for anyone who wants a walking workout and particularly enable parents to exercise with a babe in a buggy. But you do not need a buggy to take part. Again, qualified leaders will guide you through the session. Buggy Sessions take place as follows:
Thursday - 9.30am - East Park
Who is the Fitness Walk for?
Sessions are open to everyone over the age of 16 years; men, women, grandparents and you don’t need to be a mum or a dad or you don’t need to be fit to start with! Fitmums & Friends is supportive of all abilities.
Who are the Walk Leaders?
Fitmums & Friends Walk Leaders are trained volunteers who have completed the England Athletics Leadership in Running Fitness qualification which they adapt for use with walkers.
What kit do I need?
Comfortable clothes (thin layers are ideal as you will get warm and may need to remove layers as you go), practical shoes/trainers and a lightweight jacket. In the winter Fitmums provides a high visibility vest to keep you safe! We ask that you don’t bring headphones/music as you need to be able to hear the walk leader.
What if I am a really slow walker?
Do not worry! We never leave anyone behind and no one will ever make you feel uncomfortable about your pace. We have a system called shepherding. Faster walkers get a little way ahead (not out of sight!) and then walk back to re-group.
What if I am a really fast walker?
Do not worry! Even if our leaders cannot keep at your pace you will be encouraged to walk on to various points as instructed by the leader and then re-group back to the main group. Leaders are also trained to add in special walking activities to ensure that faster paced walkers get a more challenging workout.
Can I try it out?
Please do – you will be made very welcome! Come and try us out up to 3 times before you decide if this is the right club for you. The first time you come to a session look out for a person holding a paddle which says “are you here for the first time tonight"? They will welcome and look after you.
Why walk?
Whether you are looking for encouragement & support to get fitter or if you would like some social fun, then Fitmums & Friends Fitness Walks may be just the thing for you.
For more information contact admin@fitmums.org.uk.