A Fitmums and Friends session always starts with a “checklist chat”. During the checklist chat, your leader talks through a range of topics which are designed to make sure you feel welcome, comfortable and safe during the session. Please take the opportunity to make your leader aware of any concerns or issues you have – injuries or conditions, worries, etc. – so that we can support you as best as possible.
Please do listen while we run through the checklist chat. It is an essential part of keeping you safe, and now includes some important COVID-19 messages:
- If you think that you may be developing COVID-19 symptoms, have recently been in contact with someone with symptoms or diagnosed with COVID-19, or you have been told to self-isolate by the NHS Test and Trace service, please do not take part today.
- If you have any injuries or conditions I should know about, please tell me before we set off. We need to know everyone is physically fit to take part.
- We care about mental health too – please know it is ok to tell us if you are struggling in any way or having a bad day. Let’s chat as we peddle around.
- Throughout the session, we are not allowed to cycle side-by-side, and need to maintain a distance of 1m front-to-back - that’s between people so, given a wheel is half of that, this should not be a problem. At the same time, we need to ensure we stay as a pack as much as possible to avoid the group becoming “strung out” and causing issues with drivers trying to overtake and realising that the group is longer than imagined and cutting in.
- Conversely, we need to avoid “half wheeling” where your wheel is alongside the rider in front. This is dangerous and can cause crashes.
- We must also stay at least 2m away from any pedestrians we encounter. We will always be the ones to move out of their way. So please always be aware of traffic around us so that we can move away from the kerb when necessary - we should be 1.5m from the kerb anyway.
- If the group splits on a hill, we expect those at the front to ease off and allow the group to consolidate.
- The usual hand signals apply - please pass these down the group as always.
- I may need to gently remind of the need to maintain social distancing but please remember this is done to keep everyone as safe as can be.
- If you need to cough or sneeze, please turn away from others and cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or bent elbow. Please do not snot or spit!
- In the event of a minor accident where one of us needs assistance getting back to base, we will put on our face coverings so we can help each other.
- Anyone under 18 years old? If YES, we need to know so that we can help keep you safe and follow correct procedures for our younger members; group to be aware for safeguarding.
- At the end of the session, please go home promptly. We know you may want to stay and chat, but it is important that we don’t have large groups congregating.
- Highlight any potential risks on the route.
- If you have any problems during the session, just let me know.