The Great Winter Sportshall Sunday League will be back this winter, beginning Sunday 28 October at Baysgarth School, Barton, 12.30 for 13.00. Round 2 will take place in Grimsby at Old Clee Sportshall on Sunday 2 December, and the third meeting will be back at Baysgarth School on Sunday 27 January 2019.
Sportshall is open to all junior age ranges (u9, u11, u13, u15) and features all the popular Sportshall athletics events which we do some of in our Fitmums & Friends Juniors sessions. It’s great fun, and there are team and individual prizes for achievement and effort too. This year will also see Humberside re-entering the inter-county championships in Halifax on Sunday 17 February. Athletes will be chosen based on their performances at the local league events, so this might lead to an opportunity for some of our athletes to represent the county too!
Last year, lots of our junior athletes really enjoyed taking part in the Sportshall events and performed brilliantly, with many bringing home medals. We hope lots will want to take part again, or for the first time, this year. If your child would like to take part, entries are taken on the day and cost £5 per athlete or £8 per family. If you have any questions, chat with the coaches at your next session; we hope to have a Fitmums & Friends coach or athletics leader at each event to support the juniors – details to follow.