Volunteer with registered Mental Health qualification required

Posted 20th March 2019

We are seeking a member with registered mental health training to join our dynamic small team of volunteer Mental Health Ambassadors. The role of the Ambassador is to support a large team of volunteer Mental Health Champions (MHCs) across the Fitmums and Friends organisation (currently 11 Clubs). The time commitment is small but this volunteer role offers individuals the chance to join an exciting charity at a time of growth particularly in helping the development of mental health structures across the network.

The role specifically involves:

• Keeping MHC’s informed and updated about mental health campaigns or other relevant materials

• Being available to answer any questions/concerns related to the Mental Health Champion role

• Signposting to information and guidance to support MHC’s

• Providing tips and techniques to increase wellbeing amongst members and Mental Health Champions including how to manage challenging conversations with members who are struggling

• Sharing the facilitation of 3 meetings per year for the MHC & In the Pink team – the purpose of these is to provide a place for chat about their respective roles, any issues/concerns, planning for national awareness days and generally develop the MHC role within the charity

Optional - the chance to apply to England Athletics/MIND to become a registered Mental Health Ambassador.

Fitmums and Friends currently has around 24 MHC’s working across clubs within and beyond the Humber. The main means of communication is via a closed facebook group and meetings 3-4 times per year. This is a fairly new initiative and hence we are just beginning to embed the role in the charity. The Ambassadors are supported in their role by an overarching mental health lead for the organisation – Dr Nicola Green.

The Mental Health Ambassadors support the team of MHC’s whose role is described below:

Fitmums and Friends Mental Health Champions are members who are committed to the cause of improving mental wellbeing through physical activity. Some of them have experienced a mental health problem, either personally or through supporting a friend or relative. Although we all know that physical exercise is good for us, mental health difficulties reduce our desire to get up and go. 

Mental Health Champions (MHCs) will:


Work with the other MHCs and Lead Mental Health Ambassadors to proactively support the mental wellbeing of club members.

Provide information about local services that can offer support to participants with needs not related to sport.

Ensure mental health is a regular agenda item for delivery group meetings and MHCs included to provide updates on engagement activities and support.


Make links between your club with local mental health groups and organisations and encourage their members to start running.

Tweet and Share

Use social media to share information about Fitmums and Friends In the Pink scheme and the benefits of exercise for mental wellbeing.

Share England Athletics’ information about #runandtalk and World Mental Health day and other relevant Mental Health events.


Start conversations about mental health with other club or group members.

Ensure that mental health is included in the checklist chat prior to all sessions


Share guidance and information provided by England Athletics with local club co-ordinators/delivery groups and others about mental health issues related to physical activity.

Support the Lead MHA in their role of coordinating activity across the Fitmums and Friends network

Attend Mental Health Network meetings to keep up to date about best practise in their role


Get involved and actively participate in club sessions/events to support mental wellbeing. There are many ways to get involved – here are a few suggestions:

• Offer to meet and greet at local club sessions.

• Offer to support new members who may be anxious about attending a session e.g. offer to be a point of contact if potential newcomers want to meet a friendly face outside before a club session.

• Offer to facilitate a Café Chat stop at a local café.

• Join the events team and volunteer at various events to promote Fitmums and Friends

If you would like to chat further about this role please do not hesitate to email or call Sam 07870 654586 info@fitmums.org.uk  

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